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  偶遇是指不经意的相遇,未经安排的相遇。那么你知道偶遇用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   偶遇的英语说法1:   come across   偶遇的英语说法2:   meet with   偶遇的英语说法3:   Encounter   偶遇的相关 短语 :   等待偶遇 Wait for the meet up   偶遇她 foregather her   分子偶遇 molecular encounter   偶遇假说 Encounter Hypothesis   偶遇的英语例句:   1. They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married.   他们在大学偶遇,最后结了婚。   2. It was highly unlikely that their paths would cross again.   他们再次偶遇的可能性非常小。   3. Over the years, Yul and Kirk had crossed paths many times.   几年来,尤尔和柯克偶遇了很多次。   4. Actually, let's just read this little bit where you've made them bump into each other.   这样吧,我们就只读你让他们偶遇这一小段吧。   5. About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood.   他在镇子以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。   6. Her life was changed by a chance meeting with her former art master a few years ago.   她的生活因几年前同她以前的美术老师的偶遇改变了。   7. She met across him and know that he had been living an inglorious life.   她偶遇他,知道他仍过着没没无闻的生活.   8. You remember some guy you met in a parking lot two months ago?   你能记住两个月前在停车场偶遇的人?   9. The bank is met by chance surpassing image Zhang Bai Zhi!   银行偶遇超像张柏芝!   10. I ran into my old school friend at the supermarket this morning.   今早,我在超市偶遇我的老校友.   11. He met with the famous singer in a cafe.   他在咖啡馆偶遇那位著名的歌手.   12. I first met my husband through a chance encounter.   我和我丈夫结识于一次偶遇.   13. A priest and a rabbi a compartment on a train.   一个牧师和一个拉比(犹太教教士)在同一间火车车厢里偶遇.   14. I stumbled across a long - lost cousin last night in a restaurant.   我昨晚在饭店里偶遇失散多年的表妹.   15. I saw an old friend on the street by accident.   我在街上偶遇一位老朋友.



问题一:偶遇英语怎么说 run into或者e across都可以。

问题二:“偶遇”用英文怎么写? e across sth./ *** dy.(尤指偶然)遇到,碰上,发现
eg:She came across some old letters in the courseof her search.她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。
run across sth./ *** dy.与……不期而遇,偶然碰上(尤指令人愉快的人或事物)
eg:I ran across an old friend in the street.我在马路上偶然碰见了一个老朋友。

问题三:“邂逅”“偶遇”英语怎么说 “邂逅”“偶遇”
Encounter encounter

问题四:偶遇用英语怎么说?是短语!是e开头的 e(run) acros海; run into;meet with;run up against

问题五:偶遇的英语翻译 偶遇 [ǒu yù]
run into
e across
run up against
meet with
偶遇:An Encounter | e across | run into

问题六:邂逅”“偶遇”英语怎么说 邂逅”“偶遇”的英文翻译_百度翻译
encounter 英[?n?ka?nt?(r)] 美[?n?ka?nt?]
vt. 遭遇; 不期而遇; 对抗;
n. 相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突;
vi. 碰见,尤指不期而遇;
[例句]Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another
[其他] 第三人称单数:encounters 复数:encounters 现在分词:encountering过去式:encountered 过去分词:encountered

问题七:关于铁通!~!~!~带宽调为1M了吗?>1M有多快? 比512快一点,比2M慢一点。

问题八:偶遇英语怎么说 run into或者e across都可以。

问题九:“邂逅”“偶遇”英语怎么说 “邂逅”“偶遇”
Encounter encounter

问题十:“偶遇”用英文怎么写? e across sth./ *** dy.(尤指偶然)遇到,碰上,发现
eg:She came across some old letters in the courseof her search.她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。
run across sth./ *** dy.与……不期而遇,偶然碰上(尤指令人愉快的人或事物)
eg:I ran across an old friend in the street.我在马路上偶然碰见了一个老朋友。



偶然遇到的英文短语是:come up against . 例句: Youve come up against a powerful adversary. 你遇到了一个强大的敌人。 扩展资料   Have you come up against Harry much in training?   在训练的时候你和哈利有身体对抗吗?   We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the scheme.   我们预计这个计划要遭到很多人反对。   And what is you had come up against the most troublesome issue at present?   以及你现在已经碰到最麻烦的事情是什么?